So, I bought some cheap rectangles of dry foam from Walmart and cut them to shape using a butter knife. (It was a bit messy, so I did it outside over a grocery bag.) Each brick I cut in half before shaping, so they made two a piece.
Next, I pulled out some plain Elmer's glue, and white, yellow, and orange yarn. (Had to buy the orange yarn, as I didn't have any... which I found out when making some pom-pom pumpkins a few days before!)
I coiled the yarn in a circle on the top to get it started, and held it in place with a thumb tack, then I let the girls wind the yarn around, adding glue along the way! They were great helpers, and they really loved how their candy corn came out.
Such a cheap, easy craft that we'll be able to keep for a few years (I hope.)